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G-Comfort – New Shoe Brand with Rolling Soles, exclusively in the VERLON range!

In addition to already developed leg complaints, such as corns, hammertoes or edematous, varicose legs, it is much more difficult to live a quality life, since their presence causes pain in itself. That's why it doesn't matter what kind of shoes we choose to protect our feet! In addition to high-quality workmanship and the use of raw materials, functions that support foot health, such as the rolling sole structure, can significantly alleviate and even eliminate complaints over time. It's time to make the right choice...

5 rules for choosing shoes for healthcare workers!

If you also work in the healthcare sector, as a result of the constant stomping or walking during often 10-12 hour shifts, you may face a lot of musculoskeletal problems. The uneven, hard flooring of old people's homes puts stress on your joints, which can later affect your health in a much more complex way than the simple feeling of foot pain at the end of the day. But what could be behind the pain and what shoe selection practices can be used to prevent trouble?

Recognize and treat Achilles tendonitis in time in WALDLAUFER shoes!

Achilles tendon pain is one of the most common overuse injuries. Running, jumping, and sports involving rapid changes of direction beyond the body's tolerance are all risk factors for an Achilles problem that occurs over time. However, it is a misconception that these complaints are only related to overworked sports. It can also have many other everyday triggers, independent of sports, that you wouldn't even think about. But what is behind inflammation of the Achilles tendon, how can it develop and what methods can be used to treat it? We will investigate this in our article...

Waldlaufer comfort shoes - unique comfort with four different foot widths

Perhaps there is no person whose life is not complicated by painful leg complaints after a certain period of time. It's no wonder, since we take an average of 5-10 thousand steps on hard asphalt every day, while with each step 1-1.5 times our body weight weighs on our soles. Standing work, being overweight and genetic predisposition only make the situation worse, but many people don't even think about the most common explanation...

Shoes for servers, or how to protect your feet as a restaurant worker!

Anyone who works in the hospitality industry has probably already encountered leg, spine and lower back pain at the end of a long shift. Waiters, servers, and workers in the hospitality industry often work more than 12 hours a day, which can lead to irreversible musculoskeletal problems in the long term. Standing and walking on a hard, inflexible floor puts stress on the legs, joints and muscles, which gradually spread to other parts of the body. With a conscious choice of shoes and a little care, you can prevent orthopedic diseases, which are common diseases in the hospitality industry.

The formation and treatment of inflammation of the plantar warts

Many people don't even know it, but plantar fasciitis is one of the most common orthopedic complaints in society. If you feel pain when taking your first steps in the morning, you may be suffering from bunion inflammation. Its development can be made up of several factors, such as improper choice of shoes, excessive load on the soles, standing work and even being overweight. Inflammation of the soles of the feet develops slowly, but its presence cannot be neglected, since if it is not noticed in time, painful back, waist, and knee problems can also develop. Orthopedic specialists have recognized that relieving stress on the soles and making some lifestyle changes can provide quick relief for your feet.

What should you pay attention to when buying winter shoes?

As the minuses arrive, it can be a headache to find winter shoes that meet all your needs. Just as it is worth paying attention to the right choice of shoes in the summer, there are also some key points in the winter that we must take into account when buying a comfortable winter shoe. But what are the main points to keep in mind when buying winter footwear? Find out in our blog post…